OpenCV is one of the most powerful libraries for image processing, providing many functions such as facial recognition to object detection and many more check
here . In Order to use it with your raspberry pi you need to follow some steps to enable your py script to use it.
Things you will need:
1- Putty(SSH Client)
2- Internet connectivity on your pi
1- Expand memory
Log in with your pi account through SSH (username=pi , password=raspberry)by default,
Expand Filesystem and press Enter , finish then reboot your pi by entering the following command
sudo reboot
2- Update and install all the essential files needed for the build
sudo apt-get update
---wait for the update to finish
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake pkg-config python-dev libgtk2.0-dev libgtk2.0 zlib1g-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev libjasper-dev libavcodec-dev swig unzip
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev python-opencv python-dev
3- Download the opencv zip file from server
---unzips the compressed file
4- Installing OpenCV
---changes directory to the location where opencv is downloaded
---After the completion of above step
---This process is a little time consuming
After this Enter
---This final step will install the opencv
If the installation was successful the following command will show the current installed version of OpenCV
pkg-config --modversion opencv
Happy coding ;)